Silver and mercury amalgams are a type of dental filling that has been used for many years, but has now fallen into disuse due to its lack of esthetics and the controversy surrounding its toxicity.

Amalgam fillings are dark and highly visible, which makes them unattractive to many people. At David Cardona Dental Clinic, we offer the extraction of amalgams and their replacement with composite fillings, which are more discreet and aesthetic.

If you still have amalgams in your teeth, do not hesitate to visit us at our dental clinic in Zaragoza to plan their safe extraction and improve your dental aesthetics.

What are silver and mercury amalgams?

Silver-mercury amalgams have long been the most common option for filling decayed teeth. Although it is still a safe and durable option, nowadays more esthetic materials such as composite are preferred for filling teeth.

One of the main reasons for the controversy surrounding silver-mercury amalgams is the presence of mercury in their composition. Some studies have suggested that the mercury present in amalgams may be toxic to the human body, while others have concluded that its toxicity is nil.

Although silver and mercury amalgams can last for many years in the mouth, their dark appearance can affect the esthetics of the smile. For this reason, at the David Cardona Dental Clinic we offer the option of removing silver and mercury amalgams and replacing them with composite fillings, which are more esthetic and do not contain mercury.

If you have silver and mercury amalgams in your teeth, do not hesitate to visit us to evaluate the possibility of extracting and replacing them.

Extraction of silver and mercury amalgams

It is important to note that although the removal of silver and mercury amalgams is a relatively simple procedure, it is always advisable to perform it in a medical setting, as mercury can be toxic if not handled properly. In addition, it is important to ensure that the new filler material being placed is of high quality and biocompatible.

At David Cardona Dental Clinic, we have highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in performing this type of treatment, so you can be sure that your oral health will be in good hands.

If you have silver and mercury amalgams and want to remove them, do not hesitate to contact us and request an appointment. We will be happy to help you improve your dental health and oral esthetics.

Professional Dentists and Innovative Technology

Advanced dentistry, where state-of-the-art technology and expert dentists guarantee healthy, flawless smiles.


The first one in Cardona Clinic is 100% free, complete dental study at no cost.


DSD technology that allows you to see the final result of your treatment before starting the treatment.


Conscious sedation program is designed to offer you a painless experience.

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