Periodontists in zaragoza

We take care of your oral health

What is Periodontics?

Periodontics is a specialty of dentistry dedicated to the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis and pyorrhea. These diseases affect the gums and supporting tissues of the teeth, and can lead to problems such as tooth loss if not treated in time.

Many people over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal disease and may not be aware of it. Our team of periodontists is highly trained and dedicated to effectively treat these diseases and help reduce them as much as possible.

In addition, periodontics is essential for dental health by maintaining daily oral hygiene habits and visiting the dentist at least twice a year to check the condition of the gums and detect problems early. This will help ensure that the foundation of the teeth, i.e. the gums, are in optimal condition to support the teeth for many years to come.

Specialists in Periodontics

Why Cardona Clinic?

At Cardona Dental Clinic we have highly qualified experts in periodontics in Zaragoza, with extensive experience and up to date with the latest innovations in the field.

Professionals with the necessary training and experience to effectively address gingivitis and periodontitis.

We use state-of-the-art technologies for the treatment of periodontal disease, which represents a modern, effective treatment option with potential advantages in rapid healing and recovery.

We are located at Calle de San Vicente Mártir, 17, Zaragoza.

What causes the onset of periodontal diseases?

Periodontal diseases are mainly caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque and tartar in the mouth. Bacterial plaque is an invisible film of microorganisms that accumulates on the teeth and gums, and if not properly removed, can turn into tartar and cause gum disease.

Gingivitis is the initial stage of periodontal diseases, in this stage gum inflammation occurs without bone loss. The symptoms of gingivitis are swollen and bleeding gums, halitosis and bad mouthfeel. Although it is a treatable disease if detected early, it is important to prevent it with good hygiene habits and regular visits to the dentist.

Periodontitis is the second stage of periodontal disease, characterized by chronic inflammation of the gums and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. At this stage, irreversible loss of supporting tissues (bone and gum) is already present. The treatment of periodontitis is essential to save the affected teeth.

Symptoms of periodontal disease:

If gingivitis is not treated properly it can progress to periodontitis, which is a more advanced and irreversible disease. The most common symptoms of periodontitis are:

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing.
  • Pain and tenderness in the gums.
  • Appearance of periodontal pockets and gum recession.
  • Chronic bad breath and unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Tooth mobility and tooth loss, including dental implants.
  • Retraction of the gums, which may expose more of the root of the teeth.
  • Progressive loss of the alveolar bone that supports the teeth.
  • Committed dental esthetics.

Periodontics Services:

Buccal: Prophylaxis

Bacterial plaque and tartar found in the patient’s mouth is removed using: Ultrasonic, prophylaxis brushes with polishing pastes, chlorhexidine spray and topical fluoride.

Dental Curettage: Scaling and Root Planing

To remove the plaque from the roots of the teeth, scaling and smoothing is performed with curettes. It helps the gums to adhere better to the tooth and prevent future plaque accumulation.


It involves different techniques, such as removal of infected or damaged tissue, bone regeneration or improving esthetics. It includes gingevectomy, gingival grafting and coronary lengthening.

Periodontal treatment protocol

To cure periodontitis we have a completely effective treatment that includes:.

Periodontal study and oral cleaning

Includes X-rays, probing, microbiological and genetic study.

scaling and root planing

Deep cleaning with EMS Air Flow anesthesia and fluoridation.


Free revision 1 month later: Maintenance or surgery is considered.

Phase of

Maintenance appointments, where the above steps will be repeated.

Consultation with our preiodontists in Zaragoza without obligation.

Book your appointment today:

Find the ideal treatment for your smile


The first one in Cardona Clinic is 100% free, complete dental study at no cost.


DSD technology that allows you to see the final result of your treatment before starting the treatment.


Conscious sedation program is designed to offer you a painless experience.

Tips for good brushing technique

At David Cardona Dental Clinic, in addition to the periodontal treatment protocol described above, we also promote and teach proper oral hygiene techniques to help our patients control the disease and maintain good long-term periodontal health. These techniques include:

  • Brushing with an electric toothbrush, resting at a 45 degree angle between the tooth and gum to remove subgingival plaque with gentle pressure.
  • Use of interdental brushes to clean plaque between the teeth, using different diameters according to the patient’s needs.
  • Tongue sweeping with a tongue cleaner to remove bacteria and plaque accumulated on the tongue.
  • Use of a specific mouthwash prescribed by the periodontist to complement the treatment and help prevent the accumulation of plaque and bacteria.

It is important to point out that the patient’s collaboration and commitment are fundamental to achieve control and maintain good periodontal health in the long term. For this reason, adequate education and follow-up on oral hygiene techniques will be carried out to guarantee the success of the treatment.

Clinica periodoncia

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